Thursday, August 2, 2012

I'm Back! : )

 Every day I check to see if anything as changed on Nana's RR page, but nothing does. I guess you might say I'm a little down. I want Nana to have a family! I want Isabel to have a family! Nana's grant has stayed the same, $3688.90....Nana's life has stayed the same. There is not been another chapter started in her life yet... There is no new hope. Isabel is still waiting. Isabel's grant has stayed the same, $1335.21. Isabel and Nana are in deep need of love, they are in need of hope. They need a family!

Nana... Dear sweet Nana! In your eyes anyone can see
you want a family!

Isabel. Happy, chearful Isabel. You need a home.. and soon!

Jesus Joy,

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

New picture of Nana!

Today when I was looking on Reece's Rainbow I looked up Nana just like always.
Well, when I got on her page there was a new girl! It is still Nana, but she is older. She has changed. She is so, so, so gorgeous!

Here she is. She has changed without a Mommy. She has grown without a Daddy. She has slept without a sister. She has played without a brother. She has lived without a family.
Please someone give this angel a home, soon. 

Jesus Joy,

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Gifts for Graduates.

I have done a post on Bible Orphan Ministry before.  Today I want to tell you about one of the projects that they are doing to help the Orphans. The Gifts For Graduates Project.  Last year they gave gifts to them such as: bowls, plates, utensils, pots and pans. The Orphans NEED those things. We have them at our reach and we think we need them so much. We buy new ones and just throw away the old ones. The Orphans who receive them will not throw them away. They will keep them safe and use them always.

This is a post that was on The Bible Orphan Ministry blog.  It is about the graduates. The last bell ceremony.  It is very sad to see a girl almost my age crying because she knows she will be alone. ALONE.  I cried when I first saw it.  Please read it.

BOM needs our help. The graduates are going to be sent out into the streets soon.  BOM needs the money to be able to buy the gifts.  Please donate here.  Please help the people who are helping people in need.  Thank you.

Jesus Joy,

Saturday, April 14, 2012

These children need a home!

Today I have the privilege to tell you about children who where born in 1999.

First I would like to tell you about Landen.  Landen is a very special boy.  Even if he is not very social.  He is a person and is he deserves a life. He is a creature that God made and he is perfect!

He was born in February of 1999. He has brown eyes and dark brown hair.

Landen is so handsome. He looks like he is saying " Please give me a home, a chance. Please."

Next is Helena.

Helena was born in August of 1999. She has beautiful blue Eyes. That's all. Nothing more. She has Rosy pink cheeks and a cute little button nose. She will be thirteen in August. How sad. Most kids are excited about being a teen. She does not know what it is like to be a kid. She does not even know what it is like to be a baby. To be held in a Mommy's arms, or to be rocked to sleep in her Daddy's arms. She is going to be a teenager. Please somebody look into her eyes and you can see that she needs a family.  Please somebody give her a home.

This is Dahl.

Dahl was born in September of 1999. His nature is of calm. His eyes are gray. I am praying for him.
He was born with a family. Now he does not have a family. He needs a family. There is an empty spot in him that is waiting to be filled with love. That is waiting to be filled with a happiness of a family.

This is sweet, sweet Seth.

Seth was born in March of 1999. His eyes are a soft gray. His nature is of good. His is thirteen now. He needs a family.  Please give Seth a chance.

This is Tim.

Tim was born in of November 1999.
Tim is described as being communicative, inquisitive, sociable and kind. He is HIV+. Tim is one of the favorites at the orphanage. He goes to a regular school. His mother was a heroin addict and abandoned him at the hospital. He is very good about taking his medicine. He is hopeful when new adults come in that one of them will take him into their family. Tim has $4140.00 towards his adoption.

This is Daniel.
Daniel was born July 12, 1999.

From a missionary who visited with him in August 2010: “ Daniel is very active and friendly. He is affectionate and likes to play with and greet others. He proudly shows his work to you and enjoys cleaning and keeping a tidy room. Daniel has a great sensitivity to the immobile/special needs children, and often will bring them toys and water, etc to help them. Daniel is a loving boy who will do wonderfully in a family of his own”. RR does not typically advocate for children over the age of 10, but Daniel is a wonderful boy and deserves the opportunity to find a forever family.

More photos available, along with full social history and medical records. Single moms permitted, no more than 6 children at home, only one parent has to travel.

$145.00 is available towards the cost of my adoption!

This is Stephie.

She was born in 1999. She has Down Syndrome and alopecia.

Stephie has been moved from the orphanage to foster care, but she is still legally available for adoption and needs a forever family!
Stephie can say some words and understands everything that is said to her. She interacts with both children and adults but shows a preference for adults. She can identify objects in her environment such as the names of foods and animals.
She understands concepts such as big/small, high/low. She has a well developed attention span and participates in games with other children. She tends to prefer smaller group activities. She enjoys musical games. She feeds and dresses herself and has appropriate hygiene habits. She is also toilet trained. She is under the care of a dermatologist for her hair loss, but to date, no treatments have been effective.
 $237.30 is available towards the cost of my adoption! 
 Please take time today to pray for Stephie and spread the word about her!

This is Vlad.

Vlad was born in September 22, 1999.

From our facilitator who has visited with him: HIV. Vlad is very healthy and has the most striking green eyes! His life story is very typical. The boy doesn't have brothers and sisters, the mother died. Super boy. Physically developed perfectly well. By the fact very healthy, practically never ill. He is very fond of English, reads children stories without a dictionary, speaks good English. The boy is very communicative, always optimistic. He is very supportive with friends and very polite and obedient with the teachers and caregivers. Dreams about obtaining a family.
 ***Vlad is also an OLDER CHILD, and will have no opportunities if he ages out. His "orphan and HIV status" will follow him the rest of her life. Please give Vlad a chance to grow up knowing the love of a family and having basic the opportunities that he deserves. ***

$45.00 is available towards the cost of my adoption!

This is Tyler.

Tyler was born in October of 1999. Tyler is one of our oldest waiting children. He is SO handsome!

From his medical records: organic impact of damage of spinal cord; (spina bifida) Damage of functions of pelvic organs; Lower paraplegia

From his caregivers:

From an adoptive family who visited with him in February 2012: “We have really enjoyed getting to know Tyler. He is such an incredible kid! You just have no idea how impressed we are with him. He is very neat and organized, and takes good care of his things. I thought at first he was quite serious, because when I met him, he was posing for his photograph. Now, we’ve been able to chat with him using an interpreter. He LOVES to read- carries a book with him and uses the library here a lot. His favorite thing are fiction stories. Here, they have a lot of fairy tales, and he enjoys those, but I can so easily see him flying through any of the popular Christian fiction series for boys. He’s very smart, and everyone here really likes him. We’ve seen him with the younger kids, they all treat him like a big brother and he is so kind and gentle with them. Like the others we’ve met here, he seems very emotionally healthy- it’s just his legs that aren’t working, not his heart, mind and soul. He would just Thrive in a family! The hardest part about today came at the end. He asked how long it will be before his family comes to get him from America. I don’t know what to say- he’s been listed for nearly a year, and no one has asked about him. He’s so hopeful and trusting that he has a family and he doesn’t have much time left. I don’t know why he has gotten passed over- he’d be an amazing son!”

More photos available, married couples only. There is $407.50 towards Tyler's adoption.

Tyler is the same age as I am. Tyler NEEDS a family. He NEEDS love. Tyler IS special. Please somebody bring Tyler home. Please somebody tell Tyler that he is loved. Please somebody love Tyler.

Please spread the word about these children, please pray for them. Also you can follow my blog by clicking on the right of my blog " Join this site." Thank you.

Jesus Joy,

Monday, April 9, 2012

Happy Easter!

First I would like to say, Happy Easter!!! He is Risen!!!
It's very sad that Nana has not had an Easter in her life. It's very sad that Isabel does not know what Easter is. They do not know that Jesus died for their sins and rose again. They do not know that Jesus loves them. They do not know that I love them. They have missed out on so much! They are so, so perfect. I have posted Nana's and Isabel's photo's before, but there is no reason not to do it again!  : )

Oh my goodness!!! Every time I see her picture it makes me smile! Isabel, a baby in an orphanage, abandoned, alone, sad and scared. She makes me happy!  I have given you her info before, but if you want it now please go to this link.  Isabel's page. You can also donate on that link!

Nana....................... Why is she still waiting? It has been almost a year that I have been advocating for her and still no family. It is hard as each day passes and another and another they keep on passing and still she is waiting!!!! This is her info.
Date of Birth: January 2009
Gender: Female
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Blonde
Character: passive, uncommunicative girl, calm, even somewhat passive, affectionate, friendly. In response to the emotional appeal and tactile contact with an adult reacts to a smile, she does not go to the contact. Self: is not sitting, turns from back to stomach. Toys: she picks up a few hanging over her chest trying to capture, beating on them with her hands. Enclosed in the hand holding the toy did not last long with both hands, pulling at her mouth, licking tongue. Will listen to adult, finds the sound source.
 $3676.90 is available towards the cost of my adoption!
This is Nana's donation link.  Nana's donation link. 

This is Corinne, she was born in February 2010. That makes her two years old. You cannot donate yet.  Corinne is described as calm and quiet. This is all Reece's Rainbow's has on her. She is very cute!

Joshua was born in August 2009. He is three years old. You can donate here. Joshua's donation link.
Look into his blue eyes! He is so handsome!  He has found his forever family and you can donate on the same link.

 From his medical records: Down Syndrome, cognitive delay, chronic glands condition, flat feet, inborn insufficiency of aortic valve.

$ 1128.60  is available towards the cost of my adoption!

Dottie is still a baby! She was born in February 2011. She has Down syndrome. Like I said before, " Who cares?" She is perfect the way God made her!

Dottie is a calm baby, and healthy. Isn't she adorable? Love her fuzzy hair!
More pictures available.

This is one of the easiest regions in Russia. LOWEST COST, easier travel.

$2010.00 is available towards the cost of my adoption! You can donate here! Dottie's donation link.
Thank you for taking time to read my blog today. God Bless you all!
 Jesus Joy,

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Alayna Grace

We have been good friends for a long time with a family who is in the process of adopting a little girl. They were the ones who opened our eyes to children with UP syndrome. They are stepping out in a leap of Faith. They are trusting God and following Him. Here are a few photos of Alayna Grace (I cannot stop thinking how cute and adorable she is! Don't you dare tell me that she is not cute!! : )

These photos were taken on Valentine's day!

I bet she is thinking "Will you take this weird thing away!"

Just imagine, she has no idea there is a Mommy coming to pick her up and a Daddy to play with. She has no idea she HAS a family! She is so blessed. I am so blessed to have friends who care about angels from God. The angels that other people give up, the angels left behind. Alayna Grace you are NOT being left behind.

This is a photo of her name. I really like it. Alayna Grace is a beautiful name, almost as beautiful as she is! : )
If you want to follow their adoption blog this is their link.  I will go before you...

Jesus Joy,

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Newly listed UP syndrome children. : )

There is a new page on Reece's Rainbow for newly listed children. Which is a great idea! There are some children which are put on and within a day or two they have a new family! But not all children are found that quickly.  I am going to share a couple of them...
 This is Leo.

He has deafness of the one ear and deafness of the second ear 75%.
Such a gorgeous child! He is healthy in all other respects.
He was born in May of 2011.

There is no more info to share, but look really closely into his eyes. Can you see love that needs to be shared? Can you see wonder in his eyes? A wonder why was he abandoned? Can you see sadness?
I can! I can see all of those things.

Jewel. What a jewel of a name! She has a sister who CAN be adopted with her! They don't have a picture of her yet. Her name is Jessica.

Jewel (pictured), born December 2009
                                                    Jessica, born June 2004
                                                      Diagnosis: HIV

These sisters are available to be adopted together! We don’t have a picture of the older girl yet.
Jewel is adorable — love her little button nose and big brown eyes.

They both need to be adopted! They need to be adopted together!


This little girl is not newly listed.

I have a younger sister and she has a picture of Lilly. She is always praying for her and says she loves her! I think that is so sweet. My younger sister is almost the same age as Lilly. Does Lilly know that somebody loves her? Does Lilly know that somebody prays for her?

This is Lilly's info from RR.
Birth Date: February 2007
Gender: Female
Eyes: Gray
Hair: blond
Character: calm

This little one has been waiting SO long. This gorgeous little blondie has a significant heart defect and needs to see a cardiologist. She is doing ok for now, but definitely needs a family quickly! She also appears to have strabismus. She has the most beautiful eyes!

Update Fall 2011- She is not mobile, does not speak, but she takes food from the grated bottle (bottle with top of nipple cut off, so thicker liquids go through), and can understand some things. Despite her conditions she can still smile, but doesn't know how to play with toys and throws them.

Single moms and Canadian families welcome! Additional picture available!

$6750.50 is available towards the cost of my adoption!

Jesus Joy,


Sunday, March 18, 2012

Perfect........ in God's Eyes.

Why was I born into a loving family with everything I need? Why not Nana or Isabel or any other children? Just because I'm "perfect" that does not give me a reason to live a great life and watch the sad children die. Those children are perfect! Children with Down Syndrome are so cute, lovable and so much more! God made these children perfect in His eyes... and in mine.

"Now the God of peace … make you perfect in every good work to do his will, working in you that which is well-pleasing in his sight …" (Hebrews 13:20–21)

If God made us all the same then would life be worth living?  Children with Down Syndrome are so special! I will NOT sit idle when children are crying out for help! I will NOT sit idle when there is something that I can do! I cannot sit idle when children, babies, toddlers, teens and adults are in need.

Please pray for these children. Please pray for Nana and Isabel.

 Jesus Joy,

Monday, March 12, 2012

Isabel, Nana and Sabrina.

Isabel is SO BEAUTIFUL!!! She is so happy, but she could be even happier! She needs a Mommy to pick her up when she falls and a Daddy to give her comfort when she scared.  She needs love and life.
She needs life!  Is She Your Daughter?

This is all of Isabel's info;
Girl, born April 2010
Hazel eyes
The nature of periods of sleep and wakefulness correspond to the age norm.
Feb 2011:
Calm and active. Not sitting, it is not necessary, turns in all directions. Shifts the toy from hand to hand. Interested in other children. Babbles.
A family adopted from the same orphanage in Dec 2011. They did not meet Isabel, but said it was a very nice place:  "The kids were VERY well cared for, all the ones that we saw looked healthy. This is an excellent facility and the kids seem happy and well-adjusted.”
Update from a family who met her, March 2012:
Isabel and Holly are together in the same group. She is small for her age, not walking yet, but the caregivers are working on helping her stand and she takes steps holding their hands. She is a very happy, sweet, gentle personality. She enjoyed our time interacting and responded well to being hugged and held in my arms. She is tiny for her age but looks healthy overall.

$1150.71 is available towards the cost of my adoption!
Please help Isabel find a home!

Nana is in the same orphanage as Isabel. I am praying they will both find a family!

Nana is now three years old. I love her so much! I pray for her night and day. I know sometime soon God will give her a loving home.
Date of Birth: January 2009
Gender: Female
Eyes: Blue
Hair: blond
Character: passive, uncommunicative girl calm, even somewhat passive, affectionate, friendly. In response to the emotional appeal and tactile contact with an adult reacts to a smile, she does not go to the contact. Self is not sitting, turns from back to stomach. Toys she picks up a few hanging over her chest trying to capture, beating on them with her hands. Enclosed in the hand holding the toy did not last long with both hands, pulling at his mouth, licking tongue. Will listen to adult, finds the sound source. In the active voice observed actively Goulaine. Appetite is reduced, the food is selective, trying to keep their own hands a mug.
 $3604.90 is available towards the cost of my adoption!
Please help Nana find a home! Is She Your Daughter?

This is Sabrina. She has been newly listed. She is so cute!
Girl, born September 2007Diagnosis: HIV+ with signs of pneumonia, III clinical stage

What a lovely little girl! Isn’t it darling, how she’s holding out her dress for the picture? Her long hair is beautiful, and those bows are so cute — big bows often mean an orphanage favorite.

I was just looking at her grant... it is empty. This needs to change. Pray, share and donate!

Is She Your Daughter? Are any of these angels your Daughters?

Jesus Joy,

Saturday, March 3, 2012

A feeling.......

What are feelings? There are so many different feelings. Hurt, love, joy, disappointment and the list goes on and on.
But what are these sweet children feeling. Are they feeling any Joy? Are they feeling any love?
They are walking in the dark. They cannot see where their going, they cannot see past those walls.
They are sad. They are hurting. Their lives have been destroyed. Some have been chosen, some are still waiting. Most are still waiting! These are only a few that are still waiting....

This is Sweet Sally. : )
Sally was born in September of 2008. She has the sweetest blue eyes and rosy pink cheeks.

She was born with a heart defect and HIV. More Info on Reece's Rainbow.

Jolene is seven years old. She has brown hair and gray eyes. She is so cute!!!
She has a very healthy heart. She is almost too gorgeous!


Evelyn was born in Juliy of 2008.She will be turning four soon, she is facing an institution.
This is so sad, her face is Sooooooo adorable! I'm praying that she will find a Forever Family soon.

Debbie was born in 2008. There is no other info on birth. She has Dandy-Walker syndrome, Cerebral Palsy. There is more info on Reece's Rainbow.

Isabel was born in April of 2010. She has hazel eyes.
A family adopted from the same orphanage in Dec 2011. They did not meet Isabel, but said it was a very nice place: "The kids were VERY well cared for, all the ones that we saw looked healthy. This is an excellent facility and the kids seem happy and well-adjusted."

Penelope is two years old. She was born in October 2010. She has grey eyes. There is more info on Reece's Rainbow.

Josie was born in June 2010. She has the cutest fuzzy hair and hazel eyes.
She does not have down sydrome.
Beautiful little Josie was born prematurely to a mother without prenatal care. She suffered from lack of oxygen during birth. She had some paraylsis in half of her face, which is reported to be resolved. Her lungs were under-developed, so she may have some pulmonary issues — we're not sure to what extent. There is more info on Reece's Rainbow.

Yasmine was born on June 19, 2004.
  She has a glorious smile and a personality to match! Yasmine was born with CP. She has congeinital hydrocephaly as well. Her feet/ankles are turned in, but she is able to pull to a stand and tries so hard to get around! Surgery and therapy can make a world of difference for this darling little girl.
She is already 6 and facing the institution soon. She is blessed to still be at the baby house.
 God loves all His children, and I'm sure He loves these children so much!
Let's find a family for her FAST!!!
As Jesus said " Let the little children come to Me, and do not forbid them; for such is the kingdom of Heaven." Matthew 19:14

Jesus Joy,

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Maya and Marianne

Maya is going is going to be 7 years old in May. She has the cutest smile ever! Doesn't She.
Maya has Down Syndrome, but who cares? She is perfect in God's eyes! Maya has dark brown hair and grey eyes. I love her smile with those cute piggy tails. She has 23.00 dollars in her fund toward her adoption.  You can donate here; Maya's donation site.

This is Maya. She is so beautiful!

She has found her forever family!


                Marianne is a little over 1 year old. Full medical info available from agency.
She is SO sweet. She has the cutest little face! I want to go over and give her kisses.
You cannot donate to her yet, but you can pray for her.

God loves us all!

Jesus Joy,

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Spread the word!!!

My older sister Brianna is having a giveaway on her blog Helping The Least Of These.  She is giving away three blog banners for the first three commenters.

She will also selling blog banners, and the money she earns will go to The Bible Orphan Ministry.
Brianna, Thank you for all that you do. You where the one that inspired me to blog for Nana. You are a great big sister. You're like a big sister to Angelina and Teri Lynn. You have the heart to help and the love to share! So keep on doing what your doing!!!

Please spread the word. You can grab her button and put it on your blog, it's on the side of my blog.
 God is love. " And His Banner over me was love." Songs Of Solomon 2:4

   Jesus Joy,

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Update on Mara

In one of my older posts I posted about a sweet little angel named Mara. Mara was born in May of 2011. In four months she will be one year old. Mara already has a forever family!!! She is being adopted with another little girl named Alice. They are really looking forward to bringing them both home! Alice is close to being transferred. They really need to get them home!! You can donate on Reece's Rainbow. You can follow their adoption blog by clicking on Bringing Home Our Girls.


Jesus Joy,

Friday, January 13, 2012

Happy 3rd Birthday Nana!!!!

Nana was born in January of 2009. Now this year She is turning 3!!! Happy Birthday Nana!!!!!
Sometimes I wish I could go over there and just take her home! But I can't. So I'll do as much as I can to help her find a family. This was posted by Briana from So That They May Have A Voice.  I hear them. They speak out in the night - well, night or day, I don't know. Sometimes the light comes in through the slats in the blinds, but more often it's just dark. I hear them, the ones much older than me, speaking - shouting - crying out. I hear the ones younger than me, the ones new here, who are terrified beyond belief. They cry for their caretakers at the baby house to come back and get them.  

  But here, nobody comes back for anybody. You learn that really quickly!

 Sometimes I wonder about how long I've been here. I've got no way of knowing for sure. The days blur together, and the only time I can tell the time of day is by when I'm fed. I've been eating the same thing since I got here. Some kind of mush, bland and tasteless on my tongue. Nowadays, I barely notice it going down. The dull emptiness in my stomach is a constant companion.

 There was a car I rode in when they brought me here from the baby house. Before that car ride, everything was a lot clearer in my mind.

We - I say "we" because there were lots of other kids there - were in a very small building in proportion to how many of us there were there. I remember the caretakers who tried so desperately to make ends meet with the little funding there was. Still, we got enough to eat most of the time. A few times mothers and fathers came in to pick up a child they were adopting. My favorite caretaker told me this. She said they were from across the ocean.

I kept waiting for someone to pick me up, to look at me with that loving glow in their eyes and to speak to me comfortingly in that strange language. But it never happened. I had a wheelchair. I shared one with another little boy, because neither of us could walk - I still can't. Now I lie in a crib, day after day. At first I fought to get out, to get back to the life I knew. Now my arms and legs burn from the places they tied the sheets around me tightly - too tightly. I'm effectively immobilized.

On good days they change the sheets on my arms, but sometimes I stay like this for quite a while, until my hands and feet have gone so numb that it's easy to forget they're there. Once in a while, they strip the whole bed and change those sheets, too, but only when they're nearly coated in my own bodily waste.

I wait and I watch, but nobody ever leaves here once they come in. The only way they leave is limp and lifeless, wrapped in a blanket, held gingerly by an adult whose face I never see. Someday I know it'll be me under that blanket.

When I was at the baby house, I used to try and crawl into a mother's lap, or raise my hands for a father to pick me up. Sometimes I'd get a gentle hug, but only if the caretakers weren't watching. Still, I kept trying. I haven't seen a mother and father even once where I live now.

I just wanted a taste of what love was like. But it seems that the more fleeting moments you have of being loved, the more you want.

I just want a mother and father to come for me!!!

Am I your Daughter????????

Jesus Joy,